Zone 1

Zone 1™ - Floating aquatic plants

Zone 1™ floating aquatic plants are best described as plants that float or drift freely over the water surface.

Many of these plants produce roots that trail down into the pond water without anchoring. They remain free to drift about the pond. Most tend to be vigorous growing and heavy feeding plants.

What to be careful of....

Some of the world’s most troublesome weeds include floating aquatic plants.

The very nature of these plants floating freely, means that some have the potential to be aquatic weeds in waterways. Therefore careful selection and management of these plants is paramount.

Oz Watergardens strives to be proactive by discouraging the sale and distribution of any floating aquatic plants, in areas where they may become invasive or are declared to be aquatic weeds. Prime examples, are Water Hyacinth and Salvinia.

Do not grow or dispose of floating aquatic plants in areas where they could potentially contaminate natural waterways.

What are the benefits of Zone 1™ floating aquatic plants?
  • Floating aquatic plants play a vital role in the maintaining of healthy ponds. They are great water filtering plants, as they consume the excess nutrients, which could otherwise encourage algal blooms or become toxic to other aquatic life. Excess plant growth can simply be scooped from the pond and makes an excellent, high nutrient, mulch for your garden plants.
  • By floating on the pond surface, they also shade the pond below. This can also help to prevent the pond water overheating during the warmer months. As a guide, don’t allow more than about 50-60% coverage of the pond surface.
  • Some floating aquatic plants such as duckweed are a food source for fish and frogs.
  • While others, such as Water Lettuce, with their long trailing roots, provide shelter, as well as areas for fish to spawn.

Floating aquatic plants are ideal for water bowls, indoor and outdoor water features, fish breeding etc.


Lemna spp.

Pistia stratiotes