Zone 5
Zone 5™ - Deep water plants
At Oz watergardens we classify plants by the water depths that they are best suited to. We have classified deep water plants (Zone 5) as those that prefer the water to be at least 40cm deep.
Deep water plants, such as Water lilies and Rushes, are an important component of any well balanced pond or wetland design. They assist in stabilising the pond water temperature, reduce evapouration, help to reduce algal blooms and maintain healthier pond water, particularly during drought conditions.
For more information about the benefits of deep water plantsin your pond, go to the Deep water plants page. There is also some important information about the construction and council regulations relating to deeper ponds.
Zone 5 – deep water plants, is primarily a guide for most ponds, but does not mean that these plants will not grow in deeper water. We have waterlilies growing in our dam down to 3 metres. However, you wouldn’t go out and plant small pond plants at that depth. Our waterlilies have taken years to grow down to those depths.
Oz Watergardens carries over 15,000 potted waterlilies in its nursery. 99% of waterlily sales are based on selecting from the 5 main colours – Apricot, Pink, Red, White and Yellow.

Whilst they may be unnamed varieties, you can rest assured that we only grow those that are robust and perform well. Select named varieties can be chosen from our stock and ordered through our distributors, however they are a little dearer than the standard colours.